Exploring nature: Child Nature Connect tour to the Entebbe Botanical gardens cultivates a passion for nature.

On the morning of 4th May, a group of 15 children together with their teachers eagerly gathered at the Botanical gardens for a special tour. This tour promised an adventure filled with birds, animals, and plants.

The goal of this yearly trip is always to inspire and empower the children and teachers alike to become passionate advocates for the preservation of our planet’s environments.

“What has stood out for me are the herbal medicinal plants that treat cancer and COVID. I wish the government can gazette more of such centers for school going children to learn from.” Says Joseph Ssentongo a pupil from Sacred Heart Jinja Karoli primary school. 

The children drew pictures of the animals and plants they had seen, wrote stories about their day, and shared their new knowledge with their friends and families. And in their hearts, they carried the lessons of this ever green environment, fostering a lifelong love and stewardship for the natural world.

Entebbe Botanical Gardens offered the right platform for children to learn about the importance of biodiversity conservation. By engaging with diverse plant species, exploring different ecosystems, and encountering wildlife in their natural habitats, participants would develop a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all living things.

By fostering a deeper connection with nature by educating them about biodiversity, we hope to inspire a new generation of environmental leaders who will work tirelessly to protect our planet for generations to come, starting from their school and home environments to the rest of the world.