Empowering Minds: The Long-Term Impact of our School Learning Exchange Visits

On 9th August, A Rocha’s Environmental Education department organized a learning exchange visit involving eight schools. These schools came together at Kawempe CU Primary School, where students had the opportunity to explore and learn about innovative environmental practices. Kawempe CU had implemented various techniques to enhance their green environment, including a unique plastic bottle gate that captured everyone’s attention.

During the visit, students observed how Kawempe CU had transformed their surroundings with lush greenery, thriving gardens, and sustainable practices. The plastic bottle gate, in particular, stood out as a creative and practical example of recycling. The school’s vibrant vegetable gardens and tree nurseries also impressed the visitors.

The impact of the visit was profound. Students were inspired by Kawempe CU’s green initiatives and expressed their enthusiasm to replicate these practices at their own schools. They planned to build their own plastic bottle gates, cultivate vegetable gardens around their classrooms, and embrace succulent gardening. They were also committed to ensuring that their schools remained clean and green by promoting recycling and preventing littering.

Beyond the environmental lessons, the visit fostered new friendships. Teachers and students from the participating schools connected and networked, creating bonds that extended beyond the educational exchange. This social aspect was a significant highlight of our Eco- Schools program, demonstrating how collaboration can enrich both learning and community spirit.

As we continue to support these schools, we look forward to seeing how they implement their new ideas and contribute to a greener and more connected community.